The Group was born in 1999, in the city of Matosinhos, through the individual activity of consultant of the managing partner, who maintained it until 2007. In late 2008, it registered its own brand called VFCONSULTING.And in 2013, through a greater specialization of functions and seeking to reach a greater number of customers, two new companies were created, thus creating VFCONSULTINGGROUP, composed of companies, from the investment management and analysis and technology consulting sectors.
The vision of VFCONSULTINGGROUP, is essentially directed to follow with quality the business needs of companies in the most different sectors of activity. We always intend to comply with the binomial services / quality and, above all, satisfy our customers.
Our Mission is to help entrepreneurs from the most diverse productive sectors to make and make investment decisions, giving them knowledge of high quality and reliability, always aiming at high economic and social results. We intend to provide reference consulting services, standing out for their quality and for the attitude of approach and concern with the good information provided to the entrepreneur.
The guiding principles of our policy are:
Customer satisfaction and search for new markets;
Involve employees and suppliers to achieve the company's objectives;
Always work in accordance with good management and consultancy practices and standards, to protect and enhance the sector in which we operate, more specifically the investments of third-party entrepreneurs.
Continuous improvement of the organization and the service development process.
best practices
Always work according to good practices in terms of Human Resources Security.
Provide the Consultancy service, in accordance with the existing legal requirements and regulations.
VFCONSULINGGROUP, bets on a business strategy based on a network of professional partners, present in the National and International market, which support the commercialization of its services and guarantee proximity and loyalty with customers.
We consider VFCONSULTINGGROUP partners to be third parties, national or foreign, with a business or individual nature, which, reviewing our vision and mission and the result of their technical and / or commercial skills, contribute to support business development.
Between 2007, DGERT approval in the field of organization and promotion of training interventions or activities and development / execution of training interventions or activities.
In 2008, Approval of the Initial Pedagogical Training Course for Trainers
In 2008, Homologation of the Continuing Pedagogical Training Course
In 2009, Certification by the Order of Chartered Accountants to provide Certified training to Chartered Accountants.
In 2010, ANPC approved the Fire Safety Course for Designers 3rd 4th Category Risks.
In 2010, ANPC ratification of the Fire Safety Course Fire Brigade Elements
In 2010, ANPC approved the Fire Safety Course for Technicians with Basic Training and / or Experience in SCIE
In 2011, we obtained the recognition, from ACT, to provide valid training for the purpose of Renewing CAP Superior Technicians of Health and Safety at Work.
In 2012, it was accepted as an external training entity for ten learning courses.
In 2012, approval of the Superior Technical Course on Hygiene and Safety Work under the B-Learning regime, with 584 hours
In 2013, Compete2020 Accredited Entity to provide services Vouchers Simplified Entrepreneurship
In 2013, Compete2020 Accredited Entity to provide Simplified Internationalization services
In 2014, Compete2020 Accredited Entity to provide Vale Oportunidade Internacionalização services